Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wednesday's Child

I was born on a Wednesday. A Wednesday that happened to fall on August 1st. I'll allow you to insert your own year here...

The saying goes something like this - "Wednesday's child is full of woe..."

When I was a little girl, and the victim of heinous circumstances, that saying gave me some sort of twisted hope. Perhaps being full of woe had nothing to do with being faulty and had everything to do with fate. Wednesday's child can't help it if she's full of woe...

As I grew older and more jaded, the saying seemed to take the shape of some sort of dark destiny. Wednesday's child would never know anything but woe...

Well, the saying turned out to be a dadgum lie, thank you very much. Wednesday's child is deliriously happy today. She is fulfilled, she is full of life (my husband might say I am full of something else), she is full of hope, she is full of wonder, she is full of joy, and she is full of love.

And she is on the verge of learning how to stop time.

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