Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Immersion Therapy

Counseling students are compelled to study countless theories and techniques of therapy, and at some point in their educational journey many are asked to identify with and adhere to a theory for the duration of their counseling practicum. I found this to be endlessly challenging because there were aspects of many theories that resonated with me and yet no single theory that spoke directly to me.

This past weekend I willingly subjected myself to my own newly conjured therapy - immersion therapy. Having recently suffered from an intense case of "plumb out," I decided to plunge right into a few things that have been known to make me blissfully happy - shopping, seafood, chocolate, and really great singing. (At some point during the weekend I dreamt that I was swimming with white dolphins. An immersion of another sort and a topic for another post, perhaps.)

I spent nearly the entire weekend immersed in exceptional vocalization, with a few momentary lapses into Disney pop music to satisfy my tween girls. Chloe, Orla, Lisa, Mairead, Meav, and Hayley (Celtic Woman) reminded me how much I miss tight harmony and innocent vocal purity. And Andrea Bocelli soared right into my heart, with the tenderness and intimacy and strength of a lover.

I find it quite difficult to turn off my critical listening skills, so I had to listen to everything twice to truly enjoy myself. What a hardship... I know, I know. And you know what? As I opened my mind and my heart to the gifts that these artists brought, I felt cleansed from the inside out. Thank you, thank you, dear ladies and Sir Andrea. I plan to take a dip again soon.


Anonymous said...

this is quite a beautiful post. not sure what the dolphins mean tho.

amcnew said...

Neither do I, reader. Wonder what Dr Freud would say.... probably something about hating my mother or traumatic toilet training...